Happy Holidays / Year In Review

by Emily

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Dear readers, Happy Holidays and thank you for reading my stories and being a part of this community.  I couldn’t have done this without your encouragement, feedback, and on-going ideas.  Thus, I consider you part of “the team.”

2022 was a big year for us.  I finished up M101, Started Prom Queen, published 2 books for Amazon and wrote a few short stories, and made two movie reviews.  Let’s take a look back at this year:

Free Novels:

Masquerades 101.  I finished up the last 9 chapters of Nicole, Victor and Tylers story about their magical body swap. The theories about how this would end were amazing.

The Boy Who Would be Prom Queen. I wrote the first 14 chapters of Zoey’s bet to turn Lance into prom queen in six weeks.  This story will resume in January.

Short Stories:

Wonderland. My first entry into a horror short story contest. This 4 chapter short story follows Ryan who gets to test out a new virtual simulation that isn’t what it seems. Sure, it wasn’t so much as Horry as Thriller, but it was still a quick fun adventure.

Just a Phase. A quick one-shot about Kyle thinking Megan is “Just a Phase.”

Fire Transforms Us -- A TG Mix-tape. I organized another Mix-tape.  This time, Elron and I wrote, Staying Cool, a twist on the classic TG Popsicle tale. [Read it on: TGStoryTime | ScribbleHub]

Novels on Amazon:

Second Chances ($4.99 or Free if you have Kindle Unlimited) - I spent a good portion of the summer, rewriting Second Chances and re-releasing it on Amazon. Revisit Tony’s self-discovery as he time travels back into his high school years as Christina.

Christmas Eve Will Find Me ($2.99 or Free if you have Kindle Unlimited) - I also re-release last year’s Christmas special for Kindle to find a larger audience.

Movie Reviews:

Switch - my review of the first TG movie I ever watched. A 90’s movie about a womanizer who must get one woman to like him… but as a woman.

Zerophilia - Review of an early 2000’s movie where guy who awakens his ‘Z’ chromosome allowing him to gender morph after an orgasm. 

What to expect in 2023?

Obviously the conclusion of The Boy Who Would Be Prom Queen.  I do have a queue of ideas ready for my Discord members to vote on.

Happy holidays and enjoy the reminder of 2022.  See you in the new year!



Hi, I'm Emily and I'm writing Gender Transformation Fiction! This site is a place for me to keep all of my stories in one place. I'm also a software developer in the daytime, so this site will also be a proving ground of cool new features that pop into my head. Feel free to message me on Twitter or at my Discord Server! You can also find me on TGStorytime.com and FictionMania.tv.

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