Second Chances 1st Anniversary Bonus Chapter

by Emily

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Late night on July 29, 2020 I became a TG Author and posted my first chapter ever.  I finished Second Chances just over two months later, but I still get emails about how readers loved the story and wished they could spend more time with Christina and her friends.  When I thought of doing something for the 1 year anniversary, I didn’t know what to do.  I felt I said everything I wanted to in the story.  I did a quick and dirty poll on Discord on what I should write, and there was no real consensus other than people wanted to read more of the story, whatever it was.  Well, in honor of my 1 Year Anniversary as an author, I give you the Second Chances Bonus Chapter!  No real plot, but just a few vignettes of Christina’s first day of school after the events of the story.

Click this link 1st Anniversary Bonus Chapter to read it!



Hi, I'm Emily and I'm writing Gender Transformation Fiction! This site is a place for me to keep all of my stories in one place. I'm also a software developer in the daytime, so this site will also be a proving ground of cool new features that pop into my head. Feel free to message me on Twitter or at my Discord Server! You can also find me on and

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