Chapter 7 - Morgan

Secret Guild of Body Swappers by Emily

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Synopsis: D's week as Morgan


Content Warning: Chapter has Sexually Explicit Content.

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That was the longest week ever. It was exhausting always being on and happy and pushing myself to be sociable with everyone. I talked to every student organization and every influential student I could find. I met with the university administration and spoke about the block party in front of the senate. And I managed to show up to each of my classes.

Fortunately, I had help to get me through the chaos of each day - my boyfriend, James. He listened when I complained, and let me just be me for a few hours. I didn’t have to mask for him. 

On Saturday, James invited me over to play video games. Unfortunately, after the week I’d had, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Instead, we cuddled in front of a TV show and I fell asleep by 8 p.m.

Needless to say, I was ready for a break. That was way too much, too soon, for introverted D. 

At the Guild meeting, on Sunday, I was eager for the next swap. “I call this meeting of the Secret Guild of Body Swappers to order,” I announced and banged the gavel. “First on our agenda is New Business. The floor is open.”

Morgan raised her hand. “How are you doing D?”

“That was the busiest week of my life,” I admitted. “But, it was also one of the most rewarding. I met so many interesting people, and came out of my shell. One girl even gave me her phone number.”

The other members chuckled and nodded their heads in agreement. Gabriel added a fist bump and a, “Way to go, man! Too bad you’re gay.”

I smirked and shrugged my shoulders. “Still a win for me.”

“May I suggest you swap with Morgan next?” Sydney suggested. “You’ve were her for a night already, and being in the same apartment with Jasmine could give you back some sense of familiarity and normalcy.”

“Yeah, you don’t want to be me yet,” Gabriel advised. “I have a big game on Saturday.”

“I suggest you actually study up on being Gabriel while you’re Morgan,” Daniel added. “Then you can be him next.”

“What do you say?” Morgan asked me. She was sucking on a lollipop and looked at me intently with a smirk.

“Sure,” I smiled. I’m not going to lie, being Morgan again actually sounded nice.

Gabriel handed Morgan the stone, and Morgan stood up next to me. 

The redhead held out her hand with the stone, and I held on to her to initiate the swap. I closed my eyes and held onto a chair for stability. 

Seconds later, when I reopened them, I was looking up at Antonio. I looked down at my manicured and polished hands and I felt a certain familiarity at being Morgan again. I also had the weird sensation of having a lollipop suddenly appear in my mouth.

“Can I have that back?” Antonio asked.

“Oh, right,” I said, taking the lollipop out of my mouth and handing it to him.

He put it in his mouth and enjoyed it like the swap never happened. Weird.

“I can take that,” Gabe said, reaching out towards me for the stone.

I tossed the stone at him, and his eyes went wide as he caught and pocketed it.

“Careful there,” he cautioned. “We don’t know if the stone would break from falling, and we don’t have a backup.”

I nodded in understanding, and muttered, “Sorry.” I then took a seat as Antonio continued the meeting. 

I took a moment to examine my outfit. I hadn’t seen Morgan’s wardrobe last time. And realistically, I was naked for a good portion of that night anyways. A sly smile crept onto my face. I was wearing a teal tunic with black leggings and ankle boots. A cute outfit for a cool fall day.

“Anyone else today?” Antonio asked.

Sydney raised her hand and asked, “Can I be Jasmine?”

“Hey,” Jasmine whined. “I was hoping to be Jasmine for another week.”

“Well, I invoke Rule 4 then. I’m J.”

“Aww,” Jasmine looked disappointed. Rule 4 apparently was the rule where the owner of the body could reclaim it unconditionally. Apparently J wanted to be Jasmine again.

Antonio looked at the girls. “Do we need proof?” He then looked at the rest of us. “J?”

Everyone else, including me, shook their heads.

“She can have her,” Jasmine said disappointedly, taking the stone from Gabriel.

I watched intently as Jasmine and Sydney swapped. When they parted, Jasmine sauntered by and winked at me before taking a seat right next to me. I got the distinct impression J wanted to be Jasmine again because I was her roommate.

My suspicions were confirmed as I felt her hand on my stockinged leg slowly caressing me.

Even though the Guild meeting was going on, I was getting wet and wanted nothing more than to go back to our apartment.

“Sydney?” Antonio asked. “Would you like to be Daniel instead?”

“Nah, not this time.” Sydney said. “I don't want to wait for the cool-down period. Besides, I haven’t been Syd in a while, it’d be nice to catch up.”

Antonio looked at Daniel. “Are you OK staying as Daniel? I’ve already been Daniel.”

Daniel shrugged. “Another week won’t hurt. It's a nice, quiet change of pace.”

It’s weird having my original life referred to as a “quiet change of pace.”

* * *

On the walk back from the library, Jasmine held my hand. J and I hadn't really reconnected since I was Jasmine a week ago. I wondered if she liked me. But that would break Rule 5, wouldn’t it? I put that thought out of my mind and instead enjoyed the walk with my roommate. It was a nice stroll though campus. 

I casually checked her out. She was wearing a cute lacy low-cut white blouse and skinny jeans. I remember seeing that exact blouse in her closet. She looked good in it. 

Jasmine was the first to break character. “So D, tell me how did the last week and a half go? How was it being me? How was it being Antonio?”

“Well, being you was fun, I suppose. Being a girl was new and exciting. At the same time, scary because the predators made themselves known.”

“Yeah, that part sucks. The guy at the mixer?”

“Yeah, Aiden.”

“Wait - Aiden from Kappa Nu Tau?”

“Yeah - that’s him.”

“What a sleazebag. I’ve run into him multiple times as different Guild members.”

“Yeah, I ran into him as Antonio, too.”

“Did he do anything to you as me?”

“No, no. Like I said at the gym, he raised a whole bunch of red flags. He had such a creepy vibe. I left that party so he didn’t have an opportunity to do more.”

“I’m glad nothing bad happened.”

“I supposed we could ask Sydney if anything happened last week.”

“If so, I’m sure it will be in my journal.”

There was a lull in our small talk, so I decided to ask her a question. “I was wondering what it was like being yourself for a change?”

She giggled. “It’s a little weird. It’s familiar and comfortable. But at the same time I know it had its own life while I was gone. It’s like coming home, but there’s been some new decor added.” She ran her hands over her shirt and jeans. “I didn’t buy these clothes.”

“They look good on you.”

“They do.” She smiled at me.

When we got home, Jasmine unlocked the door and held it open for me. I was reminded of this exact scene from two weeks ago when I first became Morgan.

Jasmine followed me inside and closed the door. She briefly looked around.

“Welcome home,” I said with a warm smile.

She chuckled. “Would you believe I’ve never been here as myself?”

“What? Really?” I said in astonishment.

“I’ve been here as Morgan, though. I just haven’t been Jasmine all semester.”

“That’s gotta be so weird for you.”

“A little bit.” She nervously crossed her arms under chest, pushing her perfect breasts up.

“Why did you choose now to be yourself?” I asked, trying to keep my eyes locked with hers.

“I mean - I haven’t been me all semester. Plus, aside from our study meeting and the gym, I haven’t really gotten to know you. I’ve gotten to know the other Guild members intimately. Since you’re the new girl…” She timidly bit her tongue as her eyes finally left mine and wandered down to my chest.

Another awkward pause. I just wanted her to come and ravage me. Or was she wanting me to ravage her instead?

“I uh…,” I stammered. “I should read Morgan’s journal.”

“I should do the same with mine. I haven’t read it in a long time.”

I blushed, suddenly remembering what I wrote in her journal.

We both smiled as we retreated to our respective rooms.

Why was Jasmine so nervous? Is it because she was back in her original body? 

Morgan’s journal was actually a digital document on her computer. I clicked the file open.

Morgan Walsh, 20-year-old third-year communications major. She’s originally from Michigan. She has older brothers and played a lot of sports in high school. She has an aunt an hour away, who she goes to visit several times a semester.

I was interrupted by a knock at the door. Again? This felt like a repeat from last week when I was trying to read up on Antonio and was interrupted by James. I walked to the door and opened it.

Standing there was a teenage girl and a middle-aged woman. Neither of which I recognized.

“Hi,” I said.

“Is my daughter here?” the older woman copped an attitude.

Wait a second - I recognize that voice.

“Mom?” I heard Jasmine say from her room. She joined me at the door. “What are you doing here?”

“What do you mean what am I doing here?” Jasmine’s mother snapped back. “We’ve been calling your cell phone all day. I told you we’d be in town and we should do lunch.”

Jasmine pulled her cellphone out of the back pocket of her short shorts. I noticed that it was off and Jasmine was frantically turning it back on. “That bitch!” she whispered only loud enough for me to hear. She turned her attention to her family. “I’m so sorry, but it's good to see you!” Jasmine hugged her sister. “Willow! I missed you!”

I looked at Mrs. Davis and held out my hand. “Hi, I’m Morgan.”

She gave me a judgemental expression and turned away from me. Apparently her personality over the phone actually is representative of her in-person personality.

“Let me get my purse and we can go to dinner,” Jasmine said, running back to her bedroom.

I watched her come back. She looked at me with a regretful grin, then left with her mom and sister.

A few minutes later, my own phone buzzed. It was a QuickChat group message from Jasmine to the rest of the Guild. “Screw you, Syd!”

Then a quick reply from Sydney. “Sorry, Jaz! I was actually looking forward to that free dinner from your mom.”

I chuckled at the thought of planning something, but then swapping before you get to enjoy that thing you planned.

Meanwhile, I continued reading Morgan’s journals and getting to know the girl who I’ll be for the next week. Surprisingly, I knew some of this from my time as Jasmine. Her schedule was rather simple.

* * *

Eventually Jasmine came home, slamming the door. “I hate that witch!”

“How was dinner?” I asked, though judging by her attitude, I’m pretty sure I knew the answer.

“You’d think after a month of not being Jasmine, I'd come to appreciate my own mother. No. She’s just as cruel as ever!”

“I’m sorry for hanging up on her when I was you.” I said. I’ve been harboring that guilt for two weeks.

“No, it’s not your fault. It’s nobody's fault but her own. She’s been like this all my life. Never really letting me be myself. I’m glad I found the Guild. I’m glad I get to experience other lives. Normal families. I’m grateful you all get to pitch in and handle my mother from time to time.”

She let out an exasperated sigh. “I need to go read my journals. Hopefully former-me didn’t leave me any more surprises.”

I retreated back into perusing my pre-completed homework and listening to Morgan’s music choices on my earbuds.

About ten minutes later, Jasmine returned.

“Hey D,” Jasmine said, knocking on my door frame.

“What’s up?” I looked up. I pulled out the earbuds, I instantly got worried. She used my initial instead of “Morgan.” This must be serious.

“So,” she said with a coy smirk on her face. “The hottest sex I’ve ever had, huh?”

Busted. “You read your journal,” I replied flatly.

“Isn’t that something only I can judge?”

“Well, it was only my second time having sex. I wasn’t lying.” Not only that, I’m not extremely embarrassed. After all, that was her body I did it with, and I’m just a stranger. “I’m so sorry for having sex in your body. Please don’t hate me.”

“I don’t hate you D,” she giggled. “I thought it was funny and cute.”

“You did?”

“Besides, I’m glad you were enjoying yourself. Hey, so I'm curious. You said you were a virgin before meeting us?”

“Um, yeah,” I said sheepishly.

“Where umm.. Did you… um… learn all of that?”

I turned yet a deeper shade of red. “I umm...saw this fantasy book that looked really good. I started reading…but what I didn't realize was that it was actually an erotic story… and um… I didn’t stop reading it.”

Jasmine giggled some more. “I love you, D. Please don’t change.” She then left for her own room.

I felt really embarrassed. Here I was hoping we’d have sex when we got home. I guess not. I should get up and march over to her room and say, “Do you want me to show you what we did?” But, I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

* * *

I’m quickly realizing that one of the most exciting moments of my time with the Guild is when I pick out my outfit for the next day. At least when I’m one of the women. Despite Antonio being a sharp-dressed man, Antonio week was rather dull compared to my time dressing as a woman.

Morgan’s closet didn’t disappoint. Her clothes were bolder and more flattering. All of her casual clothes were put away in drawers that I only saw Morgan wear on lazy days. When she went out, she was always stylish.

I saw a dress on Morgan during the week I was Jasmine that I absolutely wanted to try out. I skimmed her closet, found it, and pulled out the bright yellow swing dress. I paired this with polka-dot stockings and black high-heeled ankle boots. Just seeing my outfit laid out on my bed made me excited for the morning.

In the morning when I put it on, it was everything I hoped for. The dress felt shorter than it looked. Jasmine said I looked hot, and I noticed she couldn’t take her eyes off my legs during the whole shuttle ride to school. I got plenty of other stares on the shuttle and in my classes. At first, the constant glare of men would make me uncomfortable, but even that became fun. 

There was just something about being Morgan. There were also glances by women. Some gave me a knowing smile. Some got embarrassed that I might have awoken something in them. I had a magic power over men and women. I think what I liked most was the confidence it gave me. Every eyeball on me made me smile. Every lustful stare gave me power over them. Hell - it made me horny too. At a certain point, I really just wanted to go home and pleasure myself.

* * *

Monday afternoon, I was home first. I knew from my time being Jasmine, she had two more classes before she came home so I had our apartment to myself. 

I also had a strong feeling I could find a vibrator in one of my drawers. I was horny and pent up and really wished Jasmine was here to release all of my pent-up lust.

Almost on cue, there was a knock at the door. I knew I wasn't expecting any guests, and any guest for Jasmine would know she was in class.

I opened it and was surprised to see Lauren standing there. She was dressed very sexy, with a short skirt and crop-top revealing both her midriff with her cute belly button, and a cavern of cleavage I could get lost in. It was very different from what I usually saw her wearing.

“Umm,” I said, confused, attempting to keep my eyes glued to hers. “Jasmine’s got class right now.”

“I know,” she said, pushing herself into my apartment. “We only have an hour.”

“For what?” I said, looking at the alluring sorority girl. 

She rolled her eyes and huffed in annoyance. “You know…”

“No, I don’t know.”

She impatiently fidgeted, then mumbled, “Make me like Jasmine. Make me your sex slave.”

I kinda wish I was looking at my face, because I’m sure it was painted in shock. Sex slave? Jasmine’s best friend? Why wasn’t this in the journal? Does she know about this? Or anyone else in the Guild, for that matter? Nah, someone in the Guild had to have known. Who was Morgan last?

“Sorry, Morgan,” she said, looking down in embarrassment. “I know you want me to role-play. I’m just not good at this.”

Good at role-playing? What’s going on here? Honestly, I was intrigued and I wanted to see where this could lead. “Practice makes perfect, I guess,“ I said, nonchalantly. 

Lauren closed her eyes, paced back and forth in front of the closed door, and wrung her hands. Like an actress ready to go on stage, she shook out her nerves and tried to get into character. Her breathing increased. Her eyes then snapped open and she looked at me. “You’re not going to make me a clone of Jasmine!” she vowed, petulantly stomping her foot. Her fake anger was laughable.

Oh, this is going to be good. “A clone?” I echoed, slowly walking over to her, my hips swaying seductively. My eyes bored through hers, all the way to her soul.

Her acting got a little better as she backed away from my advances. Eventually her back was to the door. “Stay away. Your hypnotism isn’t going to work on me!” She put her hand on the door knob, but made little effort to open it.

I tried not to laugh, but I think I understood her role-play now. “That’s what she said. That’s what all the girls said,” I snickered. 

She whimpered. It wasn’t a fear whimper - it was one of desire. Lauren was getting off on this. 

Hell, so was I.

I had so many questions. How long have they been doing this? Who knows about it? Does Lauren even know the real reason Jasmine is Morgan’s roommate, or is this part of the act? The more pressing question is what does Lauren actually expect me to do? How do I “hypnotize her into my sex slave?” Do we have a safe word? Can I make one up? Can it be ‘pancakes’?

Then I realized something. Of course. This was as much a game for Guild members as it was for Lauren. She was the prey and I was the predator. It was up to me to conduct the hunt. That’s why this was never written in the journal and why it was never discussed at Guild meetings. 

Oh, God, so it's likely Jasmine knows too. It’s also entirely likely Jasmine herself has turned her best friend into her sex slave at least once, right? Just that thought was making me hornier.

Well, I’m not going to lie. While I was already horny when I came home, this Lauren role-play is pushing me over my limit. If it’s a game, then I’ll gladly play it.

“Look into my eyes,” I commanded, slowly creeping up to her. I remember reading a fantasy where one of the villains could hypnotize people with their eyes.

She did as I instructed.

”You’ll notice that my green eyes are hypnotic. Look into my irises. See how deep they go.”

“No,” she moaned, not taking her eyes off of me. Not turning the doorknob.

“So deep,” I said. “My eyes are a pool of refreshing water. Dive in, Lauren.”

“I won’t.”

“As my eyes pull you in, you feel your resistance start to waiver. My eyes are sooo deep.”

“Sooo deep,” she echoed. 

Oh my God, she’s playing along with this. My sex quivered and I could feel a hot dampness in my panties. “Yes, that’s it. So deep. The deeper you go into my pool, the more you’re mine.”

“No, I will resist!” she pleaded.

“It's too late for you, Lauren. You came here willingly. You walked into my apartment. You’re already under my control. The more you fight it, the tighter my control becomes.”

“No,” she whimpered again.

I leaned into her and made sure my warm breath could be felt on her face. I then started backing away from her and gave her a devious smile. “You’re already too deep Lauren. You can’t resist me.”

“Too deep,” she repeated.

“Come to me,” I said, as I kept walking backwards. 

She complied and followed me, making sure she acted like she was being hypnotically forced.

“As your resistance crumbles, you feel compelled to finger yourself.”

She stuck one of her hands down her skirt into her panties.

I can’t believe this is working. “The more you finger yourself the more your resistance fades away to nothing.”

Her mouth opened and she let out a moan as her fingers worked their magic behind her skirt and panties.

“Who else knows about me?” I asked, pretending to be the villain mastermind.

“No one,” she cried. “Just me.”

“Perfect,” I purred. “Your resistance is gone. There’s nothing left. You are drawn to me. You need me.” Now my own back hit the wall.

She kept slowly coming towards me.

“You’re mine now. Just like Jasmine.” I wrapped my arms around her waist. “Tell me what you are.”

“I’m your sex slave,” she moaned, and her fingers went faster.


“I’m your sex slave!”

“Just like Jasmine.”

“Just like Jasmine.”

I glanced down at her lips as she closed her eyes. Our lips met and I instantly tasted the sweet fruity taste of her lip gloss. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in tightly as I pried her mouth open with my own.

She eagerly fell into my arms as our tongues danced with each other.

As I contemplated our next move, I realized my bedroom was too far away. I wanted her, no I needed her, right here and now. My reward for playing this game. I slid my hands under her crop top and started to push it upwards. She pulled her hand out of her skirt and raised her arms to let me take it off and I tossed it to the side.

She then put her hands under my dress. I could feel her wet fingers rub against my bare skin. I helped her by raising my arms up.

I pushed her skirt off of her wide hips and it fell to the floor.

Before we knew it, I was standing there in a bra, panties, and thigh-high hose, and she was in just a bra and panties.

We stopped kissing for a moment for her to look at me for more commands.

“You’re being a good sex slave, Lauren. But you must pledge your total obedience to me. And only me. Do you understand, pet?”

“Command me, Morgan.”

“No!” I yelled. “You will address me only as mistress. Now. Do you understand, pet?”

“Yes, mistress.”


She did as she was told. Our eyes met and I could see the hunger and lust in her eyes.

I ran my fingers through her brunette hair and then pushed her head to my panty-clad pussy.

She didn’t need any more commands as she grabbed my legs and forced her mouth in between them.

She hungrily put her lips to my panties. A few soft kisses at first, before she passionately started licking them and taking them in her mouth, as if the thin fabric wasn’t there.

I let out a moan as I felt her mouth over my clit. I held her head. “You’re doing great, my pet.”

In fact, she was doing too well. My legs started to tingle and get weak. I needed to find a better position.

I pushed her away, then walked to the couch. She began to whimper. I peeled off my wet panties and splayed my legs open for my new sex slave. “You may satisfy your thirst now. Come, and drink of my sweet nectar.”

She stayed on her knees and crawled to me. She dove into my pussy and started to eagerly eat me out.

“My, someone was thirsty,” I moaned, while I stroked her brunette hair. Actually, I was too. I just can’t believe Jasmine’s best friend is eating me out.

She continued to use her lips, tongue, and fingers to pleasure me.

“You’re doing great, my pet.”

After I came a second time, I decided to turn the tables. “You did great. You have earned a reward from me. Do you want a reward, my pet?”

She looked at me, with saliva and my sex juices dripping down her chin, and nodded eagerly. This image of her was now burned into my memory. I definitely won’t be able to look at her in the same way ever again.

“What would you like for a reward?”

Her eyes went down to her own crotch and she rubbed it.

I patted the couch and got up so we could trade places.

She slid off her panties, sat down and opened her legs for me. She began to massage her breasts through her bra. I could see anticipation all over her face. 

I nestled my head between her legs, my hot breath on her hot sex. “Do your sorority sisters do this for you?”

She shook her head. “No…mistress,” she slowly whispered, as if in a trance.

“Then I should order you to bring them to me so I can make them my sex slaves, too.” Hey, when you’re on a roll…

Her eyes popped open, and she stared at me in shock, breaking character. 

Was that too far? Maybe.

Her expression of shock didn’t last long, because I started slowly licking her clit.

Within minutes I had her legs wrapped around my neck, screaming out, “Mistress!” 

When we were done, she laid down on the couch and I joined her, spooning my new pet.

As we laid there, catching our breath, she lifted her wrist to look at her smart watch.

“Shit! Jasmine’s going to be home in ten minutes!” she said, jumping off the couch.

I leaned up on my elbow and watched her frantically get dressed.

When she reached the door she turned back around to me. “Same time next week?”

“Absolutely, my pet.” I smiled.

* * *

When I saw Jasmine later that evening I asked, “So, when was the last time you were Morgan?”

She looked at me and smiled a knowing grin. “At the beginning of the semester.” She then giggled, “So, how was Lauren?”

“You know?”

“It’s one of our best kept secrets,” she explained. “We don’t share so we can keep it fresh.”

“That was so hot,” I admitted.

“I know, right? I feel kinda guilty about it knowing she’s my best friend. But I’ve had a crush on her since we were like, 16, and she would never admit she was bi. She still doesn’t.”

“So, you’ve had sex with your best friend?”

“I’ve had her screaming my name,” she giggled.

I giggled too. “You mean, the name of the body you were in - Morgan, right?”

“No, literally - my name - Jasmine. We once role-played that I was Jasmine and she was eating out her best friend.”

“Wait,” I said, leaning up. “So you were role-playing Morgan, role-playing Jasmine?”

“I know, right?” she giggled. “Isn’t joining the Guild so much fun?”

Fun? If every day is like today, I may never swap back.

* * *

That night we got another guest. This time they were invited and expected. Gabriel came inside holding a few large binders stuffed full of papers.

“Hi, Gabe!” Jasmine said, giving the big guy a hug.

He turned to me. “So, you want to be me next?”

I nodded. “Yes, I think.” Although, recalling this afternoon, it’s no longer 100%.

“You think? Oh, wait. It’s Monday. How was Lauren?” he laughed.

Jasmine joined in with a girly giggle. I wanted to crawl under the table and hide. The look on my face told him everything he needed to know.

“Hey, it’s OK,” Gabe assured me. “We’ve all been there.”

“Um, could we please change the subject?” I practically begged.

“Sure. Here’s our playbook,” he dropped the binders on the kitchen counter. “Obviously, I will still be me on Saturday, but we can swap on Sunday. You’ll have the rest of this week to study, then all of next week to actually practice...”

“Sunday?” I questioned. “Are you sure that will be enough time? We could swap Saturday after the game if you-”

“Not a chance,” Gabe cut me off. “I work hard in practice, and even harder out there on the field. Saturday night is for me to let off some steam. Don’t worry D, you’ll do fine. And then next Saturday night will be all yours to enjoy.”

“Thank you,” I said. “I’m really looking forward to it.”

It meaning, ‘being me,’ or it meaning, ‘playing college football’?”

“Um, both,” I said sheepishly.

“This is a lot of work,” Jasmine warned me. “But it’s worth the experience.”

I wasn’t sure that was entirely true. I was never into sports, but I suppose I wanted to know what it felt like at least once to say I did.

“We’ll go over the plays and terminology first,” Gabriel said. “I, unfortunately, have practice for the rest of the week, so I can’t help you practice. But I’m sure you can run the plays with Jasmine. Muscle memory will get you halfway there. You’ll have to know the plays though.”

I nodded.

He sat down and opened the binders. “OK, D,” he said. “Let’s start at the beginning. Tell me what you know about football.”

* * *

On Tuesday I got a personal text from Sydney. “Hey girl, I'm going clothes shopping this afternoon. I need you to come with me.”

“Sure,” I said, unsure why she texted me of all people. I was trying to figure out who Sydney was today. I hadn’t hung out with her since I was Jasmine. Since I know J is back in her own body, that means Sydney could be anyone. I should really stop trying to figure this out and just enjoy the role.

When Sydney parked in front of my apartment, and I got in the car, she made the reason known.

“So, I saw this cute outfit on sale last week that would look great on you,” Sydney announced.

“Me?” I asked. “I thought we’re going shopping for you.”

“It's kinda both,” she confessed. “I’m M. You’re in my body. I need you to model some outfits for me.”

“Oh,” I said. I didn’t know how I felt about playing dress-up with M, but knowing how giddy I got choosing each day’s outfit, clothes shopping could be fun.

During the drive, I decided to chat about being in the Guild. So far, I’ve had one-on-one conversations with J and A. I figured it would be nice to add M to that list.

“So, being you is crazy,” I confessed.

“Don’t I know it,” she giggled. “Remember, I was Morgan for 18 years.”

“When I’m walking around as you I feel like I’m sex personified. Everyone looks at me with lust in their eyes. Guys and girls.”

“It wasn’t always like that,” she chuckled. “When I first came out as lesbian in high school, I had a lot of people hating me. Calling me cruel names. I was essentially shunned.”

“Then it’s good you left them behind and came to college.”

“That really hasn’t changed. Sure, there’s many more accepting people here, but there are just as many closed-minded people. For example - those Delta girls - they think I’m some kind of seductress.”

I turned red, knowing the things I did as Morgan. That description certainly fit my afternoon with Lauren.

“I mean - they’re right,” she quickly glanced at me and giggled. “But I’m not doing it on purpose.”

“What about Jasmine?”

“OK,” she smiled. “You got me - I did do that on purpose - but she gave me vibes that she wanted me, too.”

“That’s pretty much what she said. How do you do it? I mean in the Guild. It must be rough being a lesbian.”

“It’s actually easier than being a straight guy. Sure, Jasmine is bi, but there isn’t a guy in the picture. Everyone else is either single or into girls.”

“Wait - what about James?”

"True…I've had sex with James occasionally.”

“How does that work? As a lesbian.”

“Honestly, D? Two things. One. It’s just a label. Two, it’s none of anyone’s business who I have sex with.”

“I’m sorry.” I turned red with embarrassment. “You’re right - it’s none of my business.”

“I don’t mean you. We’re in the Guild. We share these things with each other. I mean outsiders. Society. But why are you asking? Are you struggling with your sexuality?”

“Me? No.”

“Your gender?”

“Um, no.” My answer sounded almost like a question.

“D, It’s OK. It’s OK to experiment. Life’s too short to not experiment and find yourself. I know who I am. I know who I’m attracted to, I know who I love. I do have sex with James as Antonio. Not because I’m attracted to him. But because I love him - he’s such a cherished friend. We’re two consenting adults having fun. Honestly, I’d prefer to have sex with women, but according to A’s rules, women aren't allowed. But sometimes a girl has needs. And when I’m Antonio, James is technically my boyfriend and a very willing partner.”

“Oh. But James said you both abstain when you’re Antonio-”

"Wait, did James say we abstain from sex when I'm Antonio? Oh, hell no, he didn't. Homeboy loves being feminized when I'm with him.”


“Yeah, he lets me treat him like a girl. He gets off on it. He gets to have sex with Antonio, and taste a little bit of BDSM. I get to have sex with a girl. A win-win,” she laughed. “I’m sorry. That’s supposed to be private between me and James.”

“I’ll forget you said anything.”

“Listen, James and I go way back. I met him when we both joined Pride together. He’s a very good friend. While I don’t find him attractive - and he doesn’t find my original body attractive, we’re still like the best of friends.”

“OK,” I said. “Listen, I’m sorry I brought it up.”

“Did it help any?”

I laughed. “I forgot why I brought it up in the first place. Your life is so cool. Why the Guild?”

“Why not?” she echoed. “I was a role-player before all of this. It’s where I met some of the former Guild members. This is the role-play of a lifetime. I’m having a blast being everyone else - and it sounds like everyone else is having a blast being me.”

* * *

We arrived at the clothing store and I nervously followed my body’s original owner inside.

While I was out of my element, she was bouncing around rack after rack, display after display like a kid in a candy store.

“Clothes shopping was never a big deal for Daniel. Just get what he needs, and get out,” I explained. “And, I’ve never gone clothes shopping as a woman,” I admitted.

She laughed. “I know. I wanted to be the one to take you for your first time.” She handed me a stack of clothing. “Can you try these on for me?”

“OK,” I said. “Where are the changing rooms?”

She pointed me in the right direction and I took the clothes with me. I stripped down to my underwear and put on the midnight blue leggings and beige sweater. I modeled myself in the mirror. The outfit looked cute on me.

“How is it?” Sydney asked.

“It’s cute,” I replied. “I like it. It looks great on me.” I walked out to model the outfit.

“Damn, girl, that’s nice,” she said. She then handed me another stack of clothes.

I took them and returned to the changing room. This time it was a dark-plaid shirt and a long-sleeve black sweater.

When I showed off this look, Sydney asked, “Are you having fun yet?”

I smiled. “I guess so. I kinda feel like a doll.”

“It’s up to you, do you want more?”

I nodded. “I think so.”

Smile smiled wide. “Good girl.” She then handed me another stack of clothes. 

Then I tried on some boots. And scarves. Before I knew it, our cart was filled with so many fall outfits - all for me.

I glimpsed a price tag. Shit! “Um, who's paying for this?” I nervously asked my shopping companion.

“Mom and Dad,” she explained. “Pull out your purse. There’s a Discover Card in there under Dad’s name. I’ll give you the PIN after you run it.”

I did as I was told, paid, and walked out of the store and to Sydney’s car.

When I put the bags in the car and sat down in the passenger seat I looked at her. “You know what? That was more fun than I thought it would be.”

“I know,” she said, giving me an all-knowing smile. 

* * *

The next few days went by in a blur. I studied all of Gabriel’s playbooks. Jasmine was a great help when I would need clarification on something.

On Friday afternoon, we decided to go to the intramural fields and practice what I learned.

I would get into a 3-point stance and Jasmine would hike the ball and hand it off to me. I visualized the offensive line blocking where they were supposed to and where the defense was likely to be.

Then on one play, Jasmine played defense. I hiked my own ball and pretended to hand it off to myself. I attempted to juke around Jasmine, but instead she snagged me by waist and took me down.

While she lay on top of me, she said, “Don’t worry, Gabe is more agile than Morgan.”

“I bet,” I huffed.

“Morgan played softball in high school, unfortunately not track and field.”

We exchanged a moment where our eyes met. “We should, um, run that again,” I suggested.

“OK,” she said, getting up, then pulling me to my feet.

I lined up again and hiked the ball.This time she had me on the ground before I had taken two steps. I looked up at the goddess lying on top of me. “What play was that?”

“It wasn’t in the playbook,” she smiled at me.

Our eyes locked again. I reached up and ran my hand through her silken hair.

She slowly leaned in and our lips met. Then she wrapped her arms around me.

I embraced her too as our tongues danced around.

She pulled away and looked at me apologetically. “I’m so sorry. I’m anxious and timid when I’m in my own body. Then I let my mother get to me. I was afraid. She kept telling me how being with another girl was a sin. I couldn’t get it out of my head. I wanted to be with you so badly.”

“Then be with me,” I breathed.

We returned to kissing.

Minutes passed before our lips became unlocked. We looked around and realized we weren’t alone and a few passersby were getting a steamy show.

“We should take this inside,” Jasmine suggested.

“We should,” I agreed.

* * *

We walked back to our apartment holding hands. Within minutes of reaching the privacy of our apartment we were tearing at each other’s clothes.

We only made it as far as the living room couch. Same place I had Lauren screaming my name, now my roommate and I were screaming each other’s.

Jasmine also screamed, “Fuck you, Mom, I’m bi!” That was right before she buried her face into my pussy again.

After sex, as we lay in a pretzel of naked limbs she turned to me and said, “You’re right, D. The hottest sex I’ve ever had.”

I couldn’t agree more.

Sex as a woman was amazing. Of course, I wondered when I would finally have sex as a man.



Hi, I'm Emily and I'm writing Gender Transformation Fiction! This site is a place for me to keep all of my stories in one place. I'm also a software developer in the daytime, so this site will also be a proving ground of cool new features that pop into my head. Feel free to message me on Twitter or at my Discord Server! You can also find me on and

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Gag! I can't believe I missed last week's chapter!
Both are so good!

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Double the reading, double the fun!

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It was!

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