Secret Guild of Body Swappers by Emily
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Synopsis: The Guild uses the Randomizer to mix things up.
“This meeting of the Secret Guild of Body Swappers will commence,” Antonio announced to start the meeting. He banged a gavel and took his seat. “First order of business is the next swap. We’ve gotten a number of requests to use the randomizer.”
I raised my hand.
“Gabe?” he asked, looking at me, anticipating my question with a smile.
“What’s the randomizer?”
Antonio was excited to explain. “The randomizer is when all of us touch the stone at the same time. The first time we do it, it resets all of us back to our original bodies. When we’re all in our original bodies the randomizer will do what it sounds like. It will randomly swap us with someone. There’s no way to know whose body you’ll get. Totally random.”
“How is this different from what we normally do?” I asked.
“The appeal is that we mix it up,” Jasmine replied. “Then we won’t know who’s who.”
“And we all talked about it, D,” Morgan added, “it’s time for you to fly solo.”
“Nobody will know which body you’re in,” Daniel said. “You won’t be treated like a newb and nobody will be holding your hand.”
“Oh,” I replied. I get it now. “So this… reset. Do we all have to be here?”
“The stone will put everyone back who has both their mind and body present,” Antonio explained. “If your own body isn’t here, you’ll stay in your current body, or swap with another body whose mind isn’t here.”
“Does that ever happen?” I inquired. “I mean, not everyone being present to swap?”
Antonio hesitated and looked around the room. “Occasionally,” he answered. “Sometimes things come up with school or sports or family life. We just roll with it. It’s not like we have a randomizer event every week, or even every month.”
“Yeah,” Jasmine giggled, “it’s random.”
“Oh,” I replied, wondering if getting trapped in the wrong body could ever happen. What if something bad happened to my body while someone else was in it? A foreboding chill went up my spine. I also felt that Antonio was withholding something too.
“So, who’s in favor of mixing it up?” Antonio asked the group.
While I had no qualms about this randomizer, I did want to inform the group I hadn’t been everyone yet. “I haven’t been Sydney, yet,” I protested.
“It’s OK,” Sydney replied. “You still have a one-in-six chance of becoming me this afternoon anyway.”
“OK.” Since I didn’t really have a strong opinion, when everyone else raised their hand, I followed suit.
Sydney placed the stone in the middle of the table and everyone reached out to place at least a finger on it. Our six fingers barely fit on the stone. I wondered if that's a reason not to have more people in the Guild.
Five seconds later, the familiar sensation of body swapping occurred and I found myself inside my old body again.
I looked down at my own hands. “Hello, old friends,” I said to myself.
I then looked around at the Guild members. For the first time I knew who each person was.
“OK, let’s continue the meeting,” Antonio said, tapping the gavel on the table to get our attention. Which was interesting seeing as he wasn’t himself seconds ago. He pressed something on his smartwatch. “We have to wait an hour before using the stone again. In the meantime, let’s move onto the next agenda item.”
I raised my hand again, this time as Daniel. “Why wait an hour?”
“A cool down period,” Antonio replied. “The minimum time in order to swap again.”
“The stone needs a cool-down period?”
“Not the stone. You. For an hour, our soul or spirit or aura or whatever you want to call it, is unable to swap again.” Antonio looked around. “Is there any other business?”
I raised my hand.
“Daniel?” Antonio replied with a smirk. I hope he doesn’t start to find me annoying for asking all of these questions.
“I have new business,” I said timidly. I looked to Antonio for approval.
He nodded.
“Who's actually met Ella?” I asked the group, looking around.
“Who’s Ella?” Sydney asked.
“Ella, the girl I- I mean Gabriel went on a date with,” Morgan clarified.
Everyone else shook their heads.
“Well, I met Ella back when I was Jasmine,” I stated. “She is Lauren’s sorority sister.””
“Is that a deal breaker?” Jasmine asked.
“I don’t know,” I replied. “She was kinda standoffish when I was Jasmine. Granted, she was much more friendly when I was Gabe.” I wondered if anyone noticed the blush I was feeling as I recalled the stairwell.
“She’s a Delta,” Morgan said, shaking her head.
“But, Lauren’s a Delta too,” Jasmine replied, halfheartedly trying to defend the Delta girls.
“But Lauren was our friend before all of the sorority brainwashing stuff.”
“So what should I - or the next Gabriel - do about it?” Gabe asked.
“Maybe she’s only a bitch to me,” Jasmine suggested. “Maybe it's just a façade and she is really a nice girl.”
“I doubt that,” Morgan added. “I don’t like the Deltas, and they certainly don’t like me.”
“Maybe she just wants some of that ‘Turbo Juice’,” I chuckled, which elicited surprised looks from everyone. I turned red and covered my mouth in embarrassment.
“Wow, D,” Antonio remarked. “You’ve really come out of your shell. OK - sounds like Gabriel should just let it ride, and be cautious.”
The group nodded in agreement.
“Any other new business?”
Everyone shook their heads.
“Well, we need to wait an hour.” He looked at his smartwatch. “We can study or just chill.” Then he sat down.
There was some casual talk amongst the girls. I sat by myself unsure of where I should butt into a conversation. I was still embarrassed about my last comment.
But then Antonio and Gabriel sat down next to me, eager to chat.
“Daniel-,” Antonio started. It was almost surreal to be referred to by my real name again.
“So, what was it like for you?” Gabriel cut in excitedly.
“What was what like?” I asked.
“Being a woman,” Antonio clarified. “You got to be both Jasmine and Morgan. You must have an opinion now.”
“It was fun,” I admitted, “seeing things from a much different perspective.”
“The outfits,” Antonio smiled.
“I loved being a petite human for once,” Gabriel said. “People look at me much differently than they do when I’m myself.”
“Hell, it changes your self-confidence to see someone else in the mirror,” Antonio added.
“Especially when you’re a very attractive woman,” Gabe agreed. “I like to think I’m a decent looking dude. But when I’m Jasmine or Morgan - damn - I’m hot. My self-confidence is through the roof!”
“I can see that,” I added. It’s true. I was much more confident as Morgan and Jasmine. But also as Antonio and Gabriel. Maybe it was a me thing.
“Did you have a favorite?” Antonio asked.
“Outfits or bodies?” I chuckled.
“Oh, I don’t know. I’ve only been each for a week. Morgan for several hours more.”
“Well, Jasmine has this beautiful sundress,” Gabriel said. “Sadly, it's too cold for that now. But that was my favorite. You already know Jasmine’s my favorite body.”
“I just like dressing to impress,” Antonio said. “Give me a nice blouse and pencil skirt. As for my favorite host - I don’t think I have a favorite.”
“I don’t have a favorite… yet,” I added. “But I was getting the hang of it last time when I was Morgan. There were a few outfits I wanted to wear on my next go-round as her.”
“Look at you boys chatting like a bunch of girls,” Morgan giggled from behind Antonio.
“Hey, now,” Gabriel chuckled. “We are girls half of the time now.”
“It’s just cute, that’s all,” Jasmine laughed. “I love that you’ve each found your feminine side.”
“I mean, I do owe half my wardrobe to Gabe,” Morgan joined in.
Gabriel shrugged. “Well, I don’t anticipate going pro. Maybe there’s a place for a guy like me in the fashion industry.”
“After playing football as you, Gabe,” I argued, “I don’t see how you could not turn pro.”
“Thanks, Daniel,” Gabe smiled, “but it doesn’t happen as often as you think. I should have a backup plan.”
“I’d love to see that,” Sydney said, joining in. “College running back turned fashion designer.”
We continued having small talk with each other. It was nice to get to know the real Guild members in their original bodies. I could see each of their personalities shine through with them playing a part. Antonio was definitely the confident leader. When he spoke, everyone listened. Jasmine was very much a mother figure, looking out for everyone, and making sure everyone was heard. Morgan pushed boundaries. She often would interrupt and make sure her opinion was known. Gabe was your typical jock, but I got the feeling he didn’t like being that, and he was comfortable enough with the group to let his feminine side out occasionally. Sydney was the enigma. Often she was quiet, but when she did talk, she spoke with experience and made good points. Other times she cracked a joke to make us laugh. What I also noticed is that they all loved each other. Even though I was still the newest member, I felt the warmth they had for me, too. After an hour, Antonio’s smart watch beeped.
“Alright, time to randomize,” Antonio said, silencing his watch.
We all touched the stone in the center of the table again, and in another five seconds we were someone else.
Now that I'm used to swapping, I'm more attuned to the feeling of it and can describe it better. When I arrive in a new body, I’m at first disoriented and feel detached from it. But suddenly I feel hyper-aware of it. I can feel the weight of my hair. My chest. I can feel each article of clothing. Obviously, I was a girl again. I also realized my bra was slightly out of position.
I removed my manicured finger from the stone and looked at it, and my arms, and then my body. I was Morgan again. I wonder if one day I'll be able to tell who I am just from the feeling, and not from looking.
First things first. I adjusted my bra and fixed a strap that was falling off my shoulder. There was also a strand of hair tickling my face that I automatically tucked behind my ear.
Other members were checking to see who they were. I noticed everyone else doing the same thing I was doing, and getting acquainted with their new bodies and adjusting something the previous occupant didn’t notice.
“Yess!” Gabriel cheered. I suppose whoever got Gabriel was excited to be him again.
“Meeting adjourned,” the new Antonio said, banging the gavel, then pocketing the stone.
I was impressed at how easily people became Antonio. The Antonio who walked in, then the real A, then whoever is Antonio now. It felt seamless.
I looked around and realized nobody knew I was D. I was truly part of the Guild now. There was no more handholding and the training wheels had come off. I’m Morgan now, and I would be expected to behave as her full-time without breaking character.
Jasmine and I made our way back home. Falling back into Morgan’s life felt like a homecoming of sorts. It wasn’t my real home, but I enjoyed the other times I was her, and Jasmine and I picked up right where we left off - even if this wasn’t the same Jasmine as two weeks ago.
Now that this is the third time I’ve been Morgan, I feel like I’m getting more used to it. Morgan and Jasmine’s apartment is seemingly like a second home to me now. Especially since I haven’t even gone back to Daniel’s dorm in almost a month.
* * *
The first thing my roommate and I did when we got home was read our journals. I logged onto Morgan’s computer and pulled up her journal. I was Morgan only a week ago, so I didn’t have much to read.
I heard Jasmine yell from her room. “What. The. Fuck!”
I got up from the computer and rushed over to see what was wrong. “What's going on?”
“The previous Jasmine obliged me to go to the Delta Halloween Party.”
I cringed. “Sucks to be you,” I giggled.
“Wait,” she appealed. “You’re coming with me. Please.”
“What?” I had a hard time imagining Morgan being welcome at the Delta house. Especially when I heard M’s true opinions on them at the meeting. “Me? At the Delta house?” I laughed. “That’s a good one.”
“I don’t want to go there by myself,” she begged. “I need my emotional support roommate.”
“How about Lauren, your emotional support hometown bestie?” I countered.
“Last time I was there, Lauren abandoned me and I ran into that douche, Aiden.” It’s funny hearing her say that since it happened when I was Jasmine. She was just repeating what I had written in the journal.
“Regardless, they’re going to kick me out of the party. They think I’m some kind of lesbian hypnotist.”
“Maybe you are,” she joked.
“If that were true,” I countered, “I’d have already hypnotized Ella into thinking she was a giant chicken trying to lay an egg.”
“I’ll bet you $20 they will find you intriguing enough to not kick you out.”
“I don’t even have a costume.”
“Have you checked?”
“Um, no.” Busted.
“I’ll bet we do have costumes. Delta’s annual Halloween party is a huge event. In fact, I’ll bet you that over the last month Morgan and Jasmine planned out their Halloween costumes.”
Wouldn’t that imply that a previous Morgan and Jasmine had this exact same conversation? I huffed. “I don’t know, Jaz. I hated going there when I was Jasmine. I can’t imagine it being any better as Morgan.”
“There’s only one way to find out,” she smiled.
I rolled my eyes. “If I find a costume, you owe me. More than $20.”
She sauntered over to me. “Oh, I’m sure I can find something to pay you with,” she whispered in my ear.
Damn, she knows exactly what I want. I bit my lip. “OK. But only if I find a costume.”
Spoiler - I found a costume. One of the previous Morgans bought a skin-tight spandex Spider-Gwen costume. There was also a sexy maid outfit. I’ll take my chances with Gwen. Now I was on the hook to wear that to the Delta’s Halloween party.
* * *
Monday afternoon, right on time, there was an eager knock on the door. I opened it to find a smiling Lauren.
“Welcome back, pet,” I purred.
“Hey, I was wondering,” she said, coming inside. “Can we play a different game today?”
“Oh?” I asked.
“Yeah,” she said, fidgeting. “Um... I liked that one we did maybe a month ago.”
“Which one was that?”
“The one where I got to be Morgan and you got to be Jasmine.”
Wow. I didn’t expect that. This was interesting. I had already assumed each member of the Guild role-played with Lauren slightly differently. It never occurred to me that Lauren could also choose the game. I was totally up for it, too. “Sure.”
She walked ahead of me into Jasmine’s room. “You can wear this.” She held out a T-shirt and a skirt. Something I think the real J might’ve worn. “I can wear what you’re wearing now.”
She pulled off the sweater she was wearing. I guess we’re doing this right here. I hoped Jasmine wouldn’t mind.
I followed suit. Today I was wearing a nice fall dress and tights. I took off my dress first. I handed it to her as I started unrolling my tights. When I was done with those, I placed them beside her.
We were both sitting there in Jasmine’s room in our bras and panties.
She put the dress on and I started putting on Jasmine’s clothes.
“Can you put on her glasses?” she asked, while putting on the tights.
Her glasses? “Sure,” I said. I knew where in the vanity she kept them and pulled them out of their case. Usually she wears contacts during the day, and her glasses at night.
Unfortunately, Morgan doesn’t need glasses, so when I put Jasmine’s glasses on, everything was just slightly out of focus. Hopefully I won’t have to wear these too long.
I stood there in Jasmine’s band T-shirt, a skater skirt, and her glasses. A spitting image of what Jasmine might’ve worn before she joined the Guild.
Lauren was standing there in the clothes I was just wearing. A part of me took a bit of pride knowing that I picked that outfit out this morning. Good thing we didn’t swap panties, because the idea of a clothes swap was turning me on. Or maybe it was the anticipation of my time with Lauren.
Lauren then paced back and forth getting into character. “Jasmine,” she said with less confidence than her role demanded, “I want you to be my slave.”
That’s the best she can do?
“No,” I replied. I figured I should provide some resistance. “I’ll never be your slave.”
“There’s no way you can resist me. Feel your resistance shedding away.” She waved her hands as if she was casting some sort of spell. Or was she pantomiming rain? Unsure. She came over to me and put her hands upon my hips.
“Y-You can't,” I whimpered. “I will fight you.”
She skipped the rest and just started kissing me. She wasn’t very good at role-playing or foreplay. Or maybe she was just impatient. I mean, I was too, but I kinda liked all of that role-playing we did last time. I worked really hard on coming up with that and was proud of the character I created.
She started sucking on my neck, and I let out a moan.
I reached under her dress and lightly stroked her pussy through her panties.
She let out a louder moan than I expected. And that’s when she surprised me. Looking into my eyes, she said softly, “Jasmine, I love you.”
I wondered. Was that Lauren-playing-Morgan saying that or just Lauren saying that? What do I say to that? I worried about leading her on.
Before I could respond, she pushed me onto Jasmine’s bed and ravaged me.
* * *
After another Monday of mind blowing sex, Lauren left and Jasmine came home. Ever since Lauren dropped the ‘L’ word I felt a little uneasy about the whole thing. Aside from James who was aware of the Guild, no one inside the Guild had a relationship. How would that work? Are you allowed to use the word ‘love’?
If Lauren was more like James and understood that she’s dating six different people maybe I wouldn’t feel weirded out. But she doesn’t know and she told me that she loved me. But I am Morgan and she called me Jasmine. This is so confusing to me.
While Jasmine was unpacking her backpack I decided to ask her.
“Hey, about Lauren,” I said to her.
“What about her?”
“Is she OK with the weekly sex? I mean - are there any feelings there?”
“It was her idea,” Jasmine replied. “Sometime over the summer. You both - she and a previous Morgan - had a big argument over me and somehow wound up sleeping together. She talked to you about it afterwards. You both came to a mutual understanding. To Lauren it was fun. A way to blow off some steam. She admitted she was jealous of you. We found out she was into role-playing. Someone considered asking her to join the Guild. But that would break Rule 5.”
“She said she loved you - Jasmine? She said so again today.”
“Yeah. She just hasn’t said so to my face. Nor has she admitted she’s bi.”
“So Lauren is in love with Jasmine, but fucking Morgan behind her back?”
“Well, it’s hardly behind my back, since we all know about it. But, yeah. You - Morgan - allow her to play out her fantasies. She doesn’t have to admit she’s in love with me. She doesn’t have to admit she’s bi when you’re pretending to hypnotize her.”
“I was worried I was taking advantage of her. That she was developing feelings for me.”
“Nope. Just sex. If anything, she’s taking advantage of you - us. I asked her about it, last time I was you. While she denied she was in love with Jasmine and bi, she admitted she was in it for the mind-blowing sex.”
“She kinda sucks at role-playing.”
“Yeah, she does. Likely another reason she wouldn’t be voted in. Hey, Morgan… are you wearing my clothes?”
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